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Source language
Brasiliaanse Portugees Utopia
A utopia está lá no horizonte. Me aproximo dois passos, ela se afasta dois passos. Caminho dez passos e o horizonte corre dez passos. Por mais que eu caminhe, jamais alcançarei. Para que serve a utopia? Serve para isso: para caminhar

Vertalings gedaan
Russies Утопия
Source language
Engels cinerary urn
cinerary urn
<Admin's remark>
This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules.

Vertalings gedaan
Sjinees vereenvoudig 骨灰盒
Japannees 骨壷
Sjinees 骨灰盒
Koreaans 유골함
92Source language92
Arabies روعة - منظ.كوكوميس - الثمرة
حقيقة إنها الروعة من المواقع اللغوية الخاصّة بالترجمة المجانية،منظ.كوكوميس تولد من جديد بفضل العمل التعاوني والجماعي متعدد اللغات لخدمة الجميع فهنيئا للكل بهذه الثمرة الناضجة.

Vertalings gedaan
Frans Splendeur - - fruit
Bulgaars великолепенплод
Grieks Μαγικό φρούτο
Katalaans Esplendor - - fruita
Sjinees vereenvoudig 葫芦娃网站-美好-果实
Albanies Perle-
Spaans Esplé
Russies Замечательныйфрукт!
Turks önemli-ürü
Serwies Magicno voce -
Sjinees 西瓜村.org的美好成果
Kroasies Odličće
Portugees Esplé
Noors frukt
Koreaans 위대한열매
Tsjeggies Nádherná
Litaus Puikus - - vaisius
Slowaaks Nádherné ovocie
Source language
Engels Language-comment-lesson
Language used to comment the lesson
It's about a language lesson. There are 2 languages in the lesson : the taught language and the language used to describe and explain the lesson. "Language used to comment the lesson" represents the latest.

Vertalings gedaan
Arabies لغة -تعليق -درس
Italiaans Lingua-commentare-lezione
Romeens Limbă-comentare-lecţie
Katalaans Llengua-comentar-lliçó
Spaans Lengua-comentar-lección
Turks Lisan-yorum-ders
Duits Zum Kommentieren der Lektion verwendete Sprache
Sjinees 語言-註解-課文
Albanies Gjuhë-koment-mësim
Brasiliaanse Portugees idioma-comentar-lição
Portugees Língua-commentary-lição
Bulgaars Eзик-коментар-урок
Pools Język użyty do komentowania lekcji
Sjinees vereenvoudig 语言-注释-课文
Japannees 言語コメントレッスン
Nederlands Taal-commentaar-les
Esperanto leciona komenta lingvo
Hebreeus שפה-תגובה-שיעור
Sweeds Språk-Kommentar-Lektion
Russies Язык-провести-урок
Kroasies Jezik-komentar-lekcija
Grieks Γλώσσα-σχόλιο-μάθημα
Deens Sprog-kommentere-lektion
Hongaars Nyelv-magyaràzat-lecke
Hindi पाठ की टिप्पणीमें इस्तेमाल की गई भाषा
Koreaans 언어-설명-수업
Tsjeggies Jazyk-komentování-lekce
13Source language13
Engels Characters-plausible-translation
Before accepting a translation, check that there aren't any comments or multiple translation choices in the main translation as it would corrupt the [1]ratio between the numbers of characters by language[/1]. If needed, edit and move the comments or the less plausible translation choices into the "%s" field of the form.
%s is the name of a form field. [1] and [/1] must surround the translated text, they will be replaced by a link. Field is in the context of text box, input box for an html form.

Vertalings gedaan
Portugees Certifique-se-comentários-alternativas
Nederlands Verhoudingen-opmerkingen-geloofwaardige
Turks Olmadığını-seçeneklerini-taşıyınız
Italiaans Principale-danneggiare-traduttive
Esperanto Proporcion-transprenu-kredeblajn
Katalaans Significacions-comentaris-traducció
Duits Buchstaben-plausibel-Ãœbersetzung
Sweeds Bokstav-trolig-översättning
Spaans Traducción plausible de caracteres
Arabies حروف-ترجمة-معقولة
Russies Знаки-возможный-перевод
Romeens Caractere-traducere-plauzibilă
Hebreeus תווים-סביר-תרגום
Bulgaars Знаци,възможен превод
Grieks Χαρακτήρες-πιθανή-μετάφραση
Serwies Karakteri-verodostojan-prevod
Deens Tegn-alternative-oversættelser
Fins kirjaimet-uskottava-kääntäminen
Japannees 文字、妥当な翻訳
Sjinees vereenvoudig 字符-似是而非-翻译
Albanies karekter-i mundshem-perkthimi
Pools Znaki - wiarygodne - tłumaczenie
Noors Bokstaver-mulige-multiple
Koreaans 문자들-적은-번역물
Tsjeggies Znaků-pravděpodobné-překladu
Farsie-Persies حروف-پذیرفتنی-ترجمه
Slowaaks Pomery-poznámky-vierohodné
Afrikaans Karakters-aanneembaar-vertaling
Hindi अक्षरों-संभाव्य-अनुवाद
Viëtnamees TrÆ°á»›c khi bạn
10Source language10
Engels Happy new year 2006!
Happy new year 2006 to all visitors :)

[b]What has changed since the last news entry?[/b]

- has grown fast as there are now more than [link=u__]1900 members[/link] and about 20 new members a day. Many new languages have been added to the interface: Chinese, Hebrew, Swedish, and Brazilian Portuguese. A big thanks to the members who translated it.

- The [link=p__]project section[/link] is up and running but nobody knows how it works :) . It's mainly dedicated to webmasters who want to translate their websites. They can submit their text to be translated on and invite their visitors to translate on will get new members and the webmasters will be able to use the translation engine of and the expertise of members.

- An affiliation program has been developed to reward those who put a link on their personal websites or blogs to talk about Instead of using the [note][/note] classic url, you can use this url: [linkid=w_in_[userid]]. [transrefid=464] There is also a similar affiliation link for the webmasters who manage a project on, to invite their visitors to translate their website on, with the same advantages: [linkid=w_in_myProjectId].

- The multi-language Babylon dictionary has been inserted on the translation pages at the bottom of the side menu. It's a very useful tool and it's not intrusive at all.

- The wiki engine has been set. Some parts of the interface, as well as details and tutorials about how the website should be used, are now embedded in wiki articles. Wiki articles are more flexible than the language files of the interface, as they can be edited at any time by any member. The wiki articles of the interface can also be translated from the [link=t__]translation homepage[/link] using the link "[transrefid=865]".

- It's now possible to post comments on all parts of the website, including news and wiki articles.

[b]What's next?[/b]

- A language course section is currently under development. Each member of will be able to create a wiki lesson about his favorite language.

- A java applet is under development to offer the possibility to record and play back audio samples for the language courses.

- A java or flash applet will be developed to draw illustrations for the language courses.

- I don't understand why the ratio of members having done at least one translation is so small... Maybe I should try to improve the interface and I need [link=f__]your feed back[/link] on this...
Keep the tags "[...]" untranslated.

Vertalings gedaan
Arabies عام جديد سعيد 2006!
Duits Frohes neues Jahr 2006!
Frans Bonne année 2006!
Esperanto Feliĉigan novan jaron 2006
Turks 2006 yılınız kutlu olsun!
Albanies Gezuar vitin e ri 2006!
Portugees Feliz Ano Novo 2006!
Romeens La mulţi ani 2006!
Nederlands Gelukkig Nieuwjaar 2006 !
Spaans Feliz 2006!
Katalaans Feliç Any Nou 2006!
Sweeds Gott nytt år 2006!
Sjinees vereenvoudig 狗年吉祥!
Italiaans Felice anno nuovo : 2006
Russies С Новым 2006 годом!!!
Hebreeus שנת 2006 שמחה!
Bulgaars Да ви е честита новата 2006 година!
Japannees 謹賀新年!
13Source language13
Engels Confirm-guidelines-website
You must check all the fields to confirm that you accept to follow the guidelines of this website

Vertalings gedaan
Spaans Confirmar reglas sitio web
Nederlands Bevestig-richtlijnen-website
Brasiliaanse Portugees Confirmar-diretrizes-website
Portugees Confirme - condições - site da web
Duits Bestätigen-Richtlinien-Website
Arabies تأكّد-تعليمات-موقع الويب
Italiaans Conferma-regole-sito web
Katalaans Confirmeu-normes-lloc web
Hebreeus אשר-קווים מנחים-אתר
Russies Подтвердить-правила-веб-сайт
Sweeds Bekräfta-villkoren-hemsida
Romeens Confirmare-cerinţe-website
Albanies Udhëzimet për konfirmim
Bulgaars Потвърждение-правила-уеб сайт
Turks Onay-esas noktalar-website
Grieks Επιβεβαίωση-οδηγίες-σελίδα
Esperanto agnoski-regularo-retpaĝaro
Sjinees vereenvoudig 确认-指导原则-网站
Serwies Potvrditi - smernice-websajt
Pools Zaakceptuj regulamin strony
Deens Check-retningslinier-websted
Fins Vahvista-ohjeet-sivusto
Japannees ウェブサイトの指針の確認
Engels Confirm-guidelines-website
Frans Confirme-ligne de conduite-site
Noors Bekrefte-rettningslinier-webside
Koreaans 확인하다-지침-웹사이트
Tsjeggies Potvrzení-pravidel-této-stránky
Farsie-Persies تایید-راهنما-وب سایت
Koerdies pejirandin-xalên serekîn-malper
Slowaaks Potvrdenie pravidiel stránky
Afrikaans Jy moet...
Kroasies Potvrdi-smjernice-web stranice
Hindi निश्चित-निर्देशों-वेबसाइट
Viëtnamees Bạn phải kiểm tra
Source language
Engels I sat on the roof and kicked off the moss
I sat on the roof and kicked off the moss

Vertalings gedaan
Spaans Me senté en el tejado y arrojé el musgo
13Source language13
Engels Carefully-appearance-punctuation
I've done this translation <b>very carefully</b>, taking care of the <b>sense</b> as well as the <b>appearance and the punctuation</b>.

Vertalings gedaan
Spaans Cuidadosamente apariencia-puntuación
Nederlands Zorgvuldig</b>-<b>uiterlijk-interpunctie</b>
Brasiliaanse Portugees Cuidadosamente-aparência-pontuação
Portugees cuidado - aparência - pontuação
Duits Sorgfältig-Erscheinungsbild-Zeichensetzung
Turks Dikkatli bir şekilde-görünüşü-noktalama
Arabies بعناية-ظهور-ترقين
Italiaans Attentamente-aspetto-punteggiatura
Katalaans Amb cura-aparença-puntuació
Russies Внимательно-стиль-пунктуация
Sweeds Omsorgsfullt-uppenbarelse-punktering
Japannees 注意-文体-文法
Romeens Atenţie-aspect-punctuaţie
Bulgaars Внимателно-вид-пунктуация
Hebreeus זהירות-תצוגה-הופעה
Sjinees vereenvoudig 特别注意格式和标点
Grieks Προσεχτικά-εμφάνιση-στίξη
Esperanto AntaÅ­zorgege-aspekto-interpunkcio
Serwies Pazljivo-izgled-interpunkcija
Pools Ostrożność-składnia-interpunkcja
Deens Omhyggelig-udseende-tegnsætning
Albanies Me kujdes - paraqitje - shenja pikësimi
Fins Huolellisesti-ilmiasu-välimerkkienkäyttö
Engels Carefully</b>-<b>meaning</b>-punctuation</b>
Noors Forsiktig</b>-<b> betydning</b>-tegnsettingen</b>
Koreaans 주의깊게</b>-<b>의미</b>-구두법</b>
Tsjeggies Pečlivě </b>-význam</b>-interpunkci</b>
Farsie-Persies با دقت-معنی-نشانه گذاری
Koerdies Bi awayî baldar -dîmena wî-xalbendî
Slowaaks Starostlivo-forma-interpunkcia
Hindi सावधानीपूर्वक-उपस्थापना-विराम चिह्न
Afrikaans Sorgsaamheid-betekenis-punktuasie
Viëtnamees Tôi đã làm dịch này rất cẩn thận, đã được chính xác ná»™i dung cÅ©ng nhÆ° tìm kiếm và dấu chấm câu.
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